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    Summer’s Roar: Unleashing Creativity at Cannes Lions 2024

    Story by Patrick Weiss, Stefan Jermann and Reto Bloesch

    AI race continues fast paced!

    Generative AI was the centerpiece of last year’s Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, sparking discussions on its impact alongside Sir Martin Sorrell, founder of S4 Capital, his keynote provided strategic insights on geopolitical uncertainties, including tensions in China and the war in Ukraine, now compounded by a new war in Gaza, ultimately having direct impact on the advertising and tech industries.

    As we approach this summer’s festival, the creative industry has demonstrated resilience, with AI enhancing rather than replacing craftsmanship. Technology innovators eagerly anticipate what advancements AI will present next in the evolving landscape of creativity.

    The Mirus crew is set for Cannes to report back what’s hot this summer!

    Cannes Lions Recap 2023

    While AI dominated the Lions, sustainability somewhat got pushed in the background a bit. But there is one company that stands out and is on a mission to becoming more than just and outdoor sports company, in fact Patagonia calls itself an activist company, and maybe it has always been that since its founding by Yvon Chouinard.


    Did you get your Lions tickets yet?


    In his keynote, Tyler LaMotte, the Marketing Director for EMEA at Patagonia, detailed the origins and evolution of Patagonia from a small climbing equipment company to a leading sustainable clothing brand. He highlighted Patagonia’s foundational commitment to quality and sustainability, rooted in the rigorous demands of climbing gear production where failure of material is not an option. This philosophy has permeated every aspect of the company, influencing its approach to clothing design, which emphasizes durability, functionality, and minimal environmental impact.

    LaMotte described how Patagonia’s product development is driven by continuous improvement and innovation, illustrated by the evolution of their iconic shorts from stiff canvas to soft, organic cotton. He emphasized the importance of sustainability in their operations, particularly through initiatives like garment repair and resale, which challenge the fast fashion industry and promote consumer responsibility.

    The keynote also covered the significant shift in Patagonia’s mission statement in 2018, reflecting a heightened urgency to address environmental crises, not just by reducing harm but by actively restoring the planet. LaMotte shared insights into Patagonia’s unique business model, where profits are reinvested into environmental conservation, highlighting their recent move to a purpose trust model to ensure the company’s values continue indefinitely.

    Patagonia DNA stands for:

    • Sustainability at core of business:
      Patagonia integrates sustainability into its product quality assessment, ensuring that every item produced meets high standards of functionality and environmental responsibility.

    • Consumer Responsibility Encouragement:
      Through initiatives like clothing repair, Patagonia encourages consumers to reconsider their consumption habits, aiming to transform them from mere consumers into responsible owners.

    • Business Model for Environmental Action:
      The shift to a purpose trust model demonstrates Patagonia’s commitment to environmental conservation, ensuring all profits are used to support planetary health.

    • Corporate Activism:
      Patagonia actively advocates for environmental causes, leveraging its business and brand to influence broader societal change towards sustainability.



    Patagonia has established itself as the leader in sustainable production and manufacturing. This has been implemented long before listed companies had to report on sustainability, at Patagonia it is part of its DNA.

    “Often though, the team would be asked what do a bunch of climbers and surfers know about making clothes. And in the beginning, not a lot. but through trial and error and experimentation in the field, we got better.”  

    Tyler LaMotte, Patagonia

    Do the brave thing, Lee Clow, advertising legend (tbwa/chiat day)

    “Most ideas are a bit scary, and if an idea isn’t scary, it’s not an idea at all.”  

    Lee Clow, advertising legend (Chiat/Day/TBWA)

    We almost missed this one, but it then turned out to be one of the great highlight of the festival. Advertising legend Lee Clow, who pushed boundaries in his entire career and stands symbolically with the rise of Apple. Clow came to Cannes with a time piece movie in his pocket: “Here’s To The Crazy Ones” – an exclusive documentary screening of a movie that depicts the mindset of a few crazy creatives in the 80s and 90s. In the world of advertising, Chiat/Day’s, an agency based in Los Angeles (now part of TBWA) was on a mission to redefine creativity, rather than pleasing clients with the ordinary. The movie represents 50-year history of ground-breaking work in advertising.

    Through the documentary, Clow and his team were praised for revolutionizing advertising by combining art with innovation to create impactful campaigns that shaped brands and industries. Archival footage and recent discussions between Clow and other creative icons highlighted the collective strength of visionary thinkers to effect change in the world.

    It is those kinds of keynotes that keep inspiring in Cannes and a reminder that with AI’s omni presence today, creativity and critical thinking are becoming more important than ever.


    These three commercials intrigued us in particular for its storytelling, messaging and context.

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